
You never know.

Eight. Changing.





Today, I feel different about my life.

Something so good inside.

Maybe I can call this "change" in my life.

I stayed away from SNS for a while,

especially Instagram because I was too into it.

I decided to let go things and people.

I set aside every stress I felt for a long time.


Letting go.

I did not know this letting go process was this hard. I fought with myself. I tried to walk away from the relationships I felt something weird. Something is not right. Not true. Not comfortable. Not for myself. Wasting Time.


Wasting my time means wasting my life. 

My only one time life my parents gave to me. I can't waste my life caring so much about outside and forget about taking care of my heart. Heart is everything. The healthy heart.


I did not reply or answer every messages I got from people around me. I used to react them, but no more. I choose what to include in my life. I choose where and to whom I use my heart and time for. I don't let every person to easily come to me and take away my happiness. I won't let that happen because I can choose now. 


I have a time limit in my life, so does everyone.

I respect people who choose to become a good person everyday. I send my love to people who always stayed there to watch me growing up. 


I will create myself.

I will make myself a good person.

I live every moment.

Feel the happiness I have.

Thank the happiness I have.

Look around love the small happiness.

There are all around us waiting for us.

Heart, Heart, Heart.

Love, Love, Love.



Be Real.